Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Midnight First Responder Devotional

Tonight we pray for the first responder who answers the call for help with a calm voice from the broken, scared, down trodden, and injured.  The dispatchers/communication officers who receive the calls from angry, irrational, suicidal, lost souls.  These voices of hope are the last voice some hear when they call out for help.  The final sound a victim may hear before they disconnect.  

Dispatchers have to piece together what our front line warriors are facing as they send them to the unknown.  Their adrenaline and stress responses are very similar to what their counterparts on the other end of the radio transmissions are experiencing, as they are staring at multiple screens and phone lines providing all available resources and more information to the listeners than they are able to elicit from the chaos on scene.  

Often left to guess what happens on calls for service, because they see nothing more than the typed closure "case report" in CAD comments, after hours of investigation and resources.  Pulled from one angry phone caller, to another frantic caller, to silence on a line after a gunshot...  We pray for the dispatchers / communication officers who show up every single shift to be the voice checking our well being and sending us backup when we're unable to call for it ourselves.  

To some they're a voice on the line, to us they're a lifeline.  In one of my hardest moments of this career the voice that asked, "10-13?" was when I knew I was going to be okay.  

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

#showup #purposefilledlife #prayforourfirstresponders

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